Benefits of FECO Treatment

For most people that are using FECO for their dogs, the primary objective is to obtain direct anticancer effects. Thankfully, this is not the only benefit of FECO. Along the way, you may notice several other benefits that improve your dog’s overall quality of life. It is amazing how much FECO is capable of, and […]


Most FECO products look similar. They are thick extracts that come in oral syringes, with the FECO itself being sticky and having a dark appearance. Despite these similarities, the chemical compounds present in FECO can vary tremendously, and these are what determine the actual effects. In this article, you will learn about the different types […]

Benefits of Exercise

Exercise is one of the most important things that both humans and dogs can do to maintain and optimize their health. Dogs were born to move, as is apparent by their immense, uncontained energy that begins to show just a few months after birth. They derive incredible joy from running and playing. Beyond just having […]

Benefits of Supplements

Many dog owners use supplements for the same reasons they use FECO – to help their dogs fight cancer and improve quality of life. With so many supplements on the market, it can be hard to know which ones to use. We recommend supplements that are backed up by Patient-Reported Outcomes evidence and scientific research. […]