How To Make FECO: Crystal's Method

The information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical or professional advice. If you choose to use these methods, please ensure you take necessary precautions, including wearing protective gear and working in a well-ventilated area. Always prioritize safety when handling flammable substances.

Materials Needed

Step by Step Process

Step 1

Immediately put your bottle of Grain Alcohol into the freezer. I recommend 420 Extractor or Everclear. Now take your Cannabis, break it up and put it in the Mason Jar. Store it in the freezer as well for at least 24 hours. The frozen alcohol will lock out the chlorophyll for a short wash and prevent a heavy amount of chlorophyll in a long wash, providing a more potent tincture.

Step 2

After at least 24 hours have passed, it’s time to combine. Pour the grain alcohol into the mason jar covering your plant material to about a quarter inch over it so that it is completely submerged and immediately return it to the freezer. Remove ~ Shake for 15 seconds ~ Return to the freezer every 2 minutes for 10 minutes ( 1 hour or more for RSO but that’s up to you, I don’t like all the chlorophyll and you shake it every 10 minutes. 3 minutes or less for wax/dabs).

Step 3

At the 10 minute mark remove from freezer and immediately strain the plant material out of the grain alcohol using the mesh strainer into a glass or stainless steel bowl. Then place the funnel into a Mason jar with 2 coffee filters and filter the alcohol into the jar. It should look like Apple Juice. You now have Tincture.

Step 4

Now you need to evaporate the grain alcohol out of the tincture. You can use your closed loop extraction system or a rice cooker or something similar to cook off or evaporate the grain alcohol. (Please make sure you ventilate the area very well.


You can even pour the tincture into a pyrex baking dish at room temperature with a fan blowing over it for a few days. Once the grain alcohol evaporates you are left with FECO/RSO. I personally like to decarb 3/4’s of my oil at the end which also completes the alcohol evaporation/purge. I leave 1/4 out to ensure that I receive the acidic cannabinoids, such as THCa and CBDa as well as the activated cannabinoids for ingestion. This is not necessary if you intend to dry your oil more and dab it.

Step 5

While your oil is still hot, draw it up into your syringes for storage. I store mine in the refrigerator. Use as you wish.

*You can repeat this process up to 3 times with results. Wash times will very.