How to Make FECO​: Different Methods of Producing FECO

FECO (Full Extract Cannabis Oil) is typically made by soaking cannabis in ethanol, straining out the plant material, and evaporating the ethanol to concentrate the extract. The process emphasizes using food-grade ethanol like Everclear and requires careful ventilation to prevent explosions.

Crystal's Method

The process involves freezing both the alcohol and cannabis for at least 24 hours, shaking the mixture, straining it, and evaporating the alcohol using a closed-loop system or rice cooker. The oil is then decarboxylated and stored in syringes.

Magical Butter Machine Method

Using a pre-decarboxylated cannabis and alcohol mixture, the Magical Butter machine processes the tincture over several hours. The tincture is then filtered, frozen, and evaporated on a hot plate.

Baboo's Approach

Involves decarboxylation, followed by grinding and processing the cannabis in an infusion machine. The ethanol solution is filtered, distilled, and evaporated to produce the final extract, stored in syringes.

Pre-made Tincture Evaporation

This method involves using a pre-made cannabis tincture and simply evaporating the ethanol using a hot plate to produce FECO. 

Mike Wise's Method

Cannabis is blended with ethanol, filtered using coffee filters, and the mixture is evaporated in a rice cooker. It is decarboxylated using a hot plate and stored in syringes.

Dr. T.H. Hunt’s Small Batch Method

A small-scale method using ethanol, muslin bags for filtration, and a double boiler system for evaporation.