Intermittent Fasting for Cancer Therapy


By: Chip Paul

See attached for a research paper (ABOVE BUTTON) on fasting/intermittent fasting.

From the study: “In pancreatic cancer, fasting increased the uptake of gemcitabine due to enhanced levels of its transporter (hENT1), thus potentiating cell death. In a xenograft pancreatic cancer model, fasting cycles and gemcitabine treatment induced a reduction in tumor growth of more than 40% “

As to diet:this will be GENERAL but can also be suggested specifically here…

Vitamin D (or better would be a vitamin D lamp)
Beta-carotene (found in carrots)
Riboflavin (found in carrots)

AVOID all sugars. Most of all avoid processed or molecular (C&H pure cane, etc) sugars. Fruits and vegetables contain sugars
KETO “type” diet best but be aware of fruits and vegetables with a preference towards nuts, seeds, and meats
If you are eating MEAT, make sure the meat you eat is NOT CORN-FED. Corn increases the amount of omega 6 in that animals fat and will increase cancer risk

Overall FAT consumption – increase omega 3 fatty acids and mono-unsaturated fatty acids. Decrease omega-6 fatty acids and saturated fatty acids. Most things we eat are a COMBINATION of these fats. With everything, you eat you should be aware of the omega 3 to 6 ratio and the mono-unsaturated to saturated ratio. These ratios are SUPER DUPER important to our health. We need a 1:1 to a 1:4 ratio of omega 3:omega 6. We need the same range in saturated:mono-unsaturated. This is so far out of balance in a “normal” diet and is a partial reason for our health decline. So be AWARE OF THESE ratios with every food. With meat, you will have to consider what FATS that animal ate and if they were intentionally (or not) allowed to eat the proper ratios. Animals in the wild do this instinctively and why they are far healthier (and healthier for us to eat) than animals that eat a diet we have provided to them. If we consume sick animals it will make us sick.

Omega 3 fatty acids – are found in walnuts, chia seeds, and hemp seeds. Be sure you are aware of the other fats in these sources though! Flax is often suggested as an omega-3 supplement, however, flax also has omega-6 (as do most nuts and seeds) so be aware and factor that into your calculation. Fish oil supplements, unless they contain alpha-linolenic acid, DENY your body an important and needed step. If you are supplementing for omega 3 outside your diet, make sure you are taking alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). DHA and EPA or beneficial but they are the breakdowns of ALA.

Omega 6 fatty acids – are found in corn, which is everywhere in our diet. Omega 6’s are “essential”, meaning our bodies do not make them (as with omega 3), however, they are so prevalent in our diets that these should be avoided. You store these fats on triglyceride in your fat. You can go AWHILE without needed omega 6’s if you eat a “normal” diet now. Once we get better educated here, we will want to pay more attention to balance of 3:6.

Saturated Fat – this is NOT Mcdonald’s. Those are “trans” fats and are not healthy. Saturated fats come from other animals, nuts, and seed. Mainly from other animals. Butter is a saturated fat, bacon fat is an excellent source of saturated fat. Cocoa is probably the healthiest and most balanced source of saturated fat (yes, chocolate has some health benefits…but WITHOUT SUGAR!)

Mono-unsaturated fat – again, this fat is mainly found in seeds and nuts. Olive oil is a source of oleic acid. Oleic acid is “mono-unsaturated fat”. In the “did you know” category…the amount of oleic acid that can be contained in olive oil was fixed in the early 1900’s. I believe around 15% but it appears the references have been scrubbed, now I wonder why that is. Oleic acid is also found in many common nuts and why they are so healthy. Peanuts, cashews, almonds, and pecan all have high ratios of mono-unsaturated fats.


FECO treatment in conjunction with diet and behavioral changes

In conjunction with FASTING and take while fasting (have NOT eaten for 5 hours or more): Garcinia Cambogia. This contains a substance that will help with the P53 pathway DIRECTLY related to cancer. This beneficial effect is assisted by fasting (AMPK forward) and damped when fed (AMPK silent):

Fenbendazole or Menbendazole


Avoid METALS (ANY heavy metal jewelry like gold or silver